Extended Day @ MLS for children in the Keshet, Sagol and Adom Room - REGISTER HERE

We are excited to offer daily extended day programming with MLS teachers for children in our Keshet, Sagol and Adom Room s . Children must be signed up for the whole semester , and you should  s elect the specific day ( s ) you would like to register your child for.

Monday- Thursday, 2:00-3:15pm

Friday, 12:30pm-1:45pm

Mondays, Process Art: Process art is focused on the creative process of making art, as opposed to the end result.  It emphasizes exploration, experimentation, and self-expression, allowing kids to freely engage with art materials. In process art, the journey of creating is more important than the destination.

Tuesdays, STEM: Science, Technology, Engineering, Math. Calling All Explorers… the STEM model supports and reinforces the learning that children acquire in their Reggio-inspired classroom and gives children additional curricular topics and skills to develop.  Children benefit socially in this environment where they can participate in collaborative group activities and projects.  The STEM program provides activities that strengthen a child’s fine and large motor skills, support concentration and cognitive skills and ignite the imagination.

Each session children will engage in creative problem-solving, collaboration, investigation, and open-ended exploration.  A wide assortment of learning material, creative activities and planned projects are woven into the class, providing children with plenty of hands-on learning experiences. 

Wednesdays, Move Your Body! :  Move Your Body focuses on classroom movement activities, free play, and obstacle courses in the gym! Together we’ll have fun building gross motor skills in a playful environment. 

Thursdays, Chefs in the Kitchen: Mix, chop, and whisk your way into the culinary magic of "Chefs in the Kitchen" with Morah Ashley! In this after-school program, students will learn to develop creative expression and prepare child-friendly recipes. Classes will incorporate literacy & math skills, movement, and social skills. Children will learn technical skills, like tool use, and learn the how and why behind cooking rather than just the what. Your child will learn their way around their kitchen and who knows, they might even earn a Michelin Star!

Fridays, Sensory Make & Play: This after school program offers children a simple and exciting way to explore different senses, movement, balance and more. Children naturally explore textures, tastes, sounds and smells through hands-on learning experiences which helps to build cognitive skills. Children will have a say in what materials they make together and get their creativity flowing with fun, hands-on and open-ended activities!