MLS COVID19 Response Plan (as of February 2022):
Symptoms & Testing
Please continue to keep your children home even if they are experiencing mild symptoms, like fatigue or consistent sneezing or simply not feeling like themselves; we will outline testing policies further below.
MLS is accepting rapid tests (including at home tests) as acceptable indicators for re-entry. Of course, if you prefer to get a PCR test for your child, that is up to you, but your child must stay home until results are received. More details can be found below.
Symptom & Testing Protocol for All
● If you are experiencing any symptoms (see below), please stay home and take a rapid test. Then, another rapid test must be administered 24 hours after.
○ If both tests are negative and you are symptom free, you may return to school
○ If both tests are negative but you still have symptoms, please stay home and return once symptoms are resolved. If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.
● If you prefer to give your child a PCR test that is up to you, and they should remain at home until results are received
● You should always contact the school to let us know your child is experiencing symptoms, and we will be happy to clarify any questions you have about your particular situation
● Proof of testing must be sent to Darcie/Jordana
Symptoms include but are not limited too:
● Fatigue
● Runny nose
● Headache
● Sore throat
● Muscle aches
● Fever (Temperature 100 F or above) or Chills
● Loss of taste or smell
● New or worsening cough/shortness of breath
● Nausea/vomiting/diarrhea
Individuals Who Tested Positive For Covid Within The Past 90 Days
● These individuals are exempt from asymptomatic Covid testing for 90 days. If these alternate diagnosis.
Protocol For Exposures
For Unvaccinated Children
● Unvaccinated children in these classes who are exposed to Covid must quarantine for 7 days, with a test on day 5 (the reason we wait till day 7 is to see if symptoms develop).
● Unvaccinated children in these classes who are exposed to Covid must quarantine for 5 days. On day 5, a test may be taken; if that test is negative and the child is asymptomatic, he/she can return on day 6 and, as always, will need to consistently wear a well fitting mask - preferably a KN95 or comparable - for 5 additional days.
● If the positive family member CAN ISOLATE, which means, the positive person stays in a separate room, ideally uses a different bathroom, and everyone masks at home - then the child must quarantine for 5 days with a test on the morning of day 5 and the morning of day 6 in order to return on day 6.
● If the positive family member CANNOT ISOLATE, the child must stay home for a total of 10 days with a test on day 10 in order to return on day 11.
For Fully Vaccinated & Boosted Staff And Vaccinated Children
● Vaccinated and boosted staff members and vaccinated children may come to school if they have been exposed to Covid as long as they are asymptomatic; they can take a test on day 5 and wear a mask (ideally KN95/ N95) for the entirety of the time they are at school. If symptomatic, you must stay home.
● If there is a household exposure, avoid close contact with the positive family member and mask at home. Stay home for 5 days, and may return on day 6 with a negative test, if asymptomatic.
● Vaccinated children and those who tested positive for Covid within the past 90 days will not need to be quarantined for a class exposure.
For Individuals Who Tested Positive For Covid Within The Past 90 Days
● These individuals may continue to come to school if exposed and are not required to do further testing if they are asymptomatic. If symptomatic, these individuals should seek medical care to determine an alternate diagnosis.
Protocol For Covid Positive Cases
Unvaccinated Children
● Unvaccinated children who test positive for Covid must isolate for 10 days and may return on day 11 without a test as long as they are asymptomatic. If
symptomatic, consult your physician before returning to school.
Staff and Vaccinated Children
● Staff and vaccinated children who test positive for Covid must isolate for 5 days. If asymptomatic on day 5 (including no fever, vomiting, diarrhea for 24 hours without the use of medication and cough, runny nose have resolved), they may take a test on day 5; if it is negative, they may return on day 6 and wear a well fitting N95/KN95 mask for the entirety of the day for the next 5 days. If the test is positive, you may return to school after 10 days, if you are asymptomatic.
● Vaccinated/boosted staff members may return to work sooner if they are asymptomatic and test negative before day 10.
Protocol For Travel *effective 2/21
For Unvaccinated Children
● MLS strongly recommends families follow the CDC guidelines regarding domestic and international travel based on yours and your child’s vaccination status. We will not require a quarantine upon return from travel however we WILL require PCR testing;
● Prior to returning to school from air travel, or travel to a state out of the contiguous states, your child must take a PCR test. For the upcoming February
break, this test can be taken as early as Friday February 25th
● Results should be sent to [email protected] prior to your child’s return
● If you are not traveling, no testing is required to return from the February break
Staff and Vaccinated Children
● May return to school immediately, with a test taken between day 3 and 5.